Green America

Instantly Donate from your Donor Advised Fund

Yes, I want to give by Donor Advised Fund and put my money where my values are by helping Green America build an economy that strengthens community, protects the environment, and promotes peace and justice.

We have great news! You can now give to Green America from your Donor Advised Fund (DAF) account in just 3 clicks—donate directly on our donation page from hundreds of DAF providers. Please select the “Give with Donor Advised Fund” button, under payment Information, to get started.

Initiating your donation on this form is the fastest and easiest way to give by DAF. But it can also:

  • Save time and money tracking your gift
  • Make our team immediately aware of your gift
  • Help avoid lost checks, mailing delays, or gifts accidentally being submitted to the wrong organization or campaign


Select an Amount

Your Information

Your donation receipt will be sent to this email address

By providing your mobile number you consent to receive recurring text messages from Green America for donations to support our campaigns protecting people and the planet. Message and data rates may apply. Reply STOP to cancel. Privacy Policy.

If you select "Donor Advised Fund," please click the button to "DAF Pay."  A new window will appear. Follow the steps to securely donate from your Donor Advised Fund to Green America.

Payment Information

Green America is a 501(c)3. Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. 

Need Help?
Call 1-800-584-7336 or email [email protected] if you have questions about giving to Green America through your donor-advised fund.

Prefer to mail your DAF gift?
Please make checks payable to "Green America" and mail them to the following address:
Green America 
1612 K Street, NW, Suite 1000 
Washington, DC 20006 
Tax ID number: 52-1660746
In order to acknowledge your generous gift, please provide the donor and/or fund name and address.

Are you looking for another way to give?
Stock Gifts
IRA Charitable Contributions
Other Ways to Give